Wednesday, February 1, 2012

‘Back-to-Roots’ Shopping

Being vegetarian, it was a challenge for me to find varieties of fresh vegetables in the supermarkets. When, I immigrated to United States a year ago. I told my husband how I used to buy fresh vegetables from markets back in India. We decided that we could try the weekend farmers’ market for fresh locally grown products. We have been going to various farmers market during the past year. It has been a lot of fun. Vendors are very friendly. They tell you all about their products. It is good way to meet people. Here we can enjoy shopping with family and even can take our pets.

To provide fresh food and good nourishment is one the important functions of Indian women’s life. I remember, in my childhood during the summer vacations, every day I went to buy fresh vegetables, fruits and milk with my grandmother. It was not only fun for me to see colorful market activities, but also a part of learning, how to pick the right vegetables and fruits. It has taught me the importance of eating fresh and healthy food in life.

Farmers' markets are one of the oldest forms of direct marketing by small farmers. Since the dawn of civilization, it has been a corner stone of society. Daily and weekly, growers from nearby local areas gathered to sell their produce directly to the public. Such markets were commonplace before the industrial age. But in the busy lifestyle of modern cities most were replaced by grocery stores and supermarkets. In these big markets food is usually processed, packaged and shipped from remote places, by air or refrigerated containers.

In the last decade, farmers’ markets have become a favorite marketing method for many farmers throughout the United States, and a weekly practice for many shoppers. Day by day it is becoming popular for many people. It is a relaxed way of shopping for fresh and organic food with family.

In a farmers' market, a group of vendors sell their products once or twice a week at a designated public place, like a park or parking lot. In these areas, individual vendors set up booths, tables or stands. Farmers markets add value to communities. It reflects the area's culture, economy and flavors. Consumers can buy fruits and vegetable from certified organic farmers. Farmers are not the only vendors in these markets. Various artisans bring their art work and products such as organic soaps, creams and lotions, candles, wooden toys, handmade glass articles, paintings, flowers, herbs, plants, fresh breads, cookies and other prepared food stalls are available. In some markets, live music is played by local groups.

Farmers pick their produce at the peak of ripeness, which preserves flavor and the nutritional content of food. Since locally grown food does not travel far to reach you, it has a smaller carbon foot print. Farmers get better price selling retail than at wholesale prices.

It bought back the pleasure of shopping to me. I have an inquisitive personality. When I came to America I wanted to know more about culture and traditions. I believe, if you want to know a city, or a country ,you must interact with local people. Here in these markets, I got the chance to talk to natives and tried various flavors. It was a good introduction to American culture and food.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Swati.The fact that you pick up your vegetables at the farmers market explain why your food is always so varied and excellent, besides keeping us all healthy.
